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Rabbi and Rebbetzin Goldberger

Photo Credit: Dr. Edward Leventhal

Rabbi Menachem and Rebbetzin Bracha Goldberger lead our vibrant kehilla. Rabbi Goldberger is known for his inspiring niggunim which are sung around the world and in all different streams of Judaism.  Here is a clip from Rabbi Goldberger's CD of his most widely-recognized niggun, "L'Cha Dodi," and a video of L'Cha Dodi's being sung at a rally in Baltimore to promote Shabbos. The CD is available  for download at: CD Baby Rabbi Goldberger  Or we can make a CD for you.

Audio Clip of L'Cha Dodi

Video of Rabbi Goldberger at Shabbos Rally

Rabbi Goldberger and his wife, Rebbetzin Bracha, have more guests than all of us put together. In the home of their mentor, Rabbi Shloime Twerski, of blessed memory, Torah became real among the singing, the learning, the laughter, and the special attention to Shabbos and Yom Tov foods. Rabbi Goldberger, a sixth genertaion rabbi, and his wife, watched their Rebbe, Rabbi Twerski, in all facets of life as he taught his students and his children together.

The Goldbergers do the same at their own table. A Shabbos or holiday meal at the Goldbergers is elegant but relaxed, filled with tradition yet informal, filled with words of Torah but with plenty of room for jokes. We at Tiferes Yisroel strive to give our guests that same experience.

Rabbi and Rebbetzin Goldberger were honored as Grandparents of the Year, 2015, at the Talmudical Academy of Baltimore.  Here is Rabbi Goldberger singing for the crowd, backed up by his sons in harmony --

Rabbi Goldberger had the entire banquet hall up and dancing --

Wed, February 12 2025 14 Shevat 5785